About Us
The Sin City Thunder organization began in 2017 when three dads decided they could figure out this club baseball thing and started a 9u team. Whether or not they actually succeeded was debatable when the team lost their very first game 35-3
Nevertheless, since then, we have grown. During the 2025 season, we will field fourteen teams from ages seven through sixteen. We have majors, AAA, and AA teams
The Thunder is a non-profit organization that has always been parent run. We are the only large local youth baseball organization that does not run as a for profit business. We do not have paid coaches and do not charge organization fees. What we do have, however, are parents that are passionate about baseball and support a healthy, family friendly culture. Any success and growth we have had these past few years is because of the amazing time and energy put in by our Thunder families
That said, please do not be confused about the skill level of our parent/coaches. We have accumulated coaches throughout the organization who have high school, college, and professional playing experience, as well as high school and college coaching experience. We take pride with ensuring our teams are well coached and our ballplayers are growing, developing and preparing for high school and hopefully beyond
We do considerable fundraising to help keep down costs for parents. We use our fundraising money to help pay tournament cost and other expenses. We charge a one time $200 fee at the beginning of each season to help cover insurance, registrations, equipment, TeamSnap, etc
All told, we are one of the most affordable options in Southern Nevada. We strive to keep financials reasonable for our families while still providing a structured, quality baseball atmosphere for our ballplayers