Player Policies and Expectations
As a player I must understand these rules:
I will respect the game, play fairly and follow its rules and regulations.
I will win class and lose with dignity.
I will be responsible for my own gear.
I will maintain a positive attitude at all times for me and with my coaches, teammates, team managers, and parents. Inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated i/e: hitting, pushing, stealing, fit throwing, name calling
I recognize that while in Thunder gear, even if I am not playing baseball, I am representing the organization as a whole and I will represent it well.
I will not criticize or yell at a player either on our team or the opposing team.
I will not criticize, make comments to or confront an umpire before, during, or after a game. I understand that umpires will make questionable calls but I will leave it up to the coaches to deal with such situations.
I will work hard and give 100% effort at every practice , during pre-game warm ups and during each game.
I will make sure that the dugout is as clean and tidy after the game as it was before the game.
I will maintain good grades because it is critical to my success in the future. I understand I am a student athlete and STUDENT comes before athlete.
Parent Policies and Expectations
As a parent/guardian, I recognize that parents and guardians are the most important role models for their children. Sports help to develop a sense of teamwork, self-worth, and sportsmanship. As such, I agree to abide by the following:
I will ensure that my son is at all practices and games on time.
I will conduct myself in a sportsmanship-like manner at all times. No harassment of coaches, team managers, players, umpires or other parents will be accepted.
I will not criticize, make comments to, or confront an umpire before, during, or after a game. I understand that umpires will make questionable calls but I will leave it up to the coach to deal with such situations.
I will refrain from the use of profanity, lewd gestures, and any illegal drugs before, during and after the games, practices, and other team events.
I understand that Thunder participates in competitive tournaments and therefore guaranteed or equal playing time is not an expectation. The coaching staff is dedicated to the development of each player's skill and will strive to give all players the opportunity to display those skills in game situations. I understand I will refrain from approaching the coaches during games, pregame warmups, or during a tournament to question a coaching decision or playing time issues.
I understand that while the coaching staff is dedicated to the development of each player's skill and will work individually with each player, I must also be dedicated to the development of my son's skills outside of team practices and game time by whatever means possible.
I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, fans, and officials at games, practices, and sporting events.
I will encourage my child to play by the rules and respect the rights of other players, coaches, fans, and officials.
I understand that players, parents/guardians, and friends are supportive of the players, coaching staff, and the program.
I understand that instruction coaching from the stands and criticism towards any player, parent, or coaching staff will not be tolerated.
All team information will be shared and continually updated through the team snap app. Parents are required to keep up with information and to mark availability on each scheduled game, practice, and event.
I will hold my son accountable. There may be times it is imperative that coaches be tough on your child. Most often with effort, attitude, or focus. Please support the coaching staff with any consequences deemed necessary.
I understand that berating a player based on a poor performance will not be tolerated in any shape or form.​
Team Rules
Dues/Fees are to be paid by the 1st of the month. In the event you need an extension or assistance, SCT must be notified and we will work together on the situation. Any outstanding balances after seven days will result in the player removed from tournament rosters until the debt is resolved
We never want to stand in the way of opportunities for our players, but please be respectful to your current team. Guest playing will always be allowed, however there are a few guidelines to follow:
Team manager must be notified in advance
Guest playing should not interfere with a tournament from the players Thunder team
Preference would be for the player to not play for a competing team at the same age group unless it’s a major travel tournament
SCT has always supported Little League. We encourage our players to join, meet new teammates, wear cool MLB uniforms, and have fun
Preference would be to only play the Spring season, which is the official LL season. Playing the fall season is disruptive to the beginning of the club year
Our practices should trump LL practices, and our games should trump LL games. Little League games trump SCT practices, however
We understand that we will not be the perfect fit for everyone. It’s the nature of the travel baseball world that parents often have their eye on different opportunities. With that, our coaches put considerable time and effort into leading teams, and we need to support them as much as we can. Our players are not permitted to tryout for different teams during the course of the season, with the exception of trying out for a national or all star team. The exception to this would be over the holiday break mid-season and in the summer between seasons
I/we understand that violations of rules or the code of conduct may result in the following disciplinary actions:
​Reduction in playing time, suspension from the team, or release from the team.
Fundraising Acknowledgment
I, as a Parent/Guardian of the Player named above, acknowledge that all funds earned from fundraising efforts and contributions are to be deposited into the bank accounts of the Sin City Thunder Baseball Club, and all funds are subsequently assets of the Sin City Thunder Baseball Club. Funds from all accounts directly support the Sin City Thunder Baseball Club’s mission, training, education, and support to our Players, and our teams.
Funds are group funds that finance events and expenses of the Sin City Thunder Baseball Club as approved by the Board of Directors.
Each individual team will have the ability to designate how their funds are to be utilized, so long as the team remains with the organization in good standing. When a fundraising event is an organization wide event, the funds raised will be designated in advance and used for the entire organization, and not for an individual team.
I agree that all funds obtained through donations, sponsorships, fundraising activities, and/or other sources are group funds, owned and managed by the Sin City Thunder Baseball Club. I understand that these funds are to be used for the training and education of the entire Sin City Thunder Baseball Club.
I agree that all Sin City Thunder Baseball Club funds will not be refunded or rebated if the Player is no longer with the organization for any reason. Furthermore, the funds will not be refunded or rebated if the Player cannot attend a trip or event for any reason. All funds stay with the Sin City Thunder Baseball Club and are not prorated for any Player.
I also acknowledge that if new Players are added to the Sin City Thunder Baseball Club family, they immediately receive the same benefits of the funds as the rest of the team, assuming the new Player also signs an acknowledgement and fully participates in fundraising activities.
Lastly, I acknowledge that upon my Player’s departure from the Sin City Thunder Baseball Club for any reason, neither the Player, nor the family will be entitled to any funds from any accounts noted above, nor will the Player be entitled to join the team on any trip in which funds were raised.